速報APP / 商業 / Westies Dry Cleaners

Westies Dry Cleaners


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Westies Dry Cleaners(圖1)-速報App

irst Opened in 1986 to serve the residents of Burnham, Cippenham, The Dorneys, Taplow, Farnham common and slough Trading Estate. Westies, is a family run business that brings you the first class customer services. We have a very good reputation as we are providing the best quality dry cleaning. The turn-around is quick as all our work is being processed in-house. We are also offer the same day services for our beloved customers who do not have enough time to wash and iron, as our friendly faces await you westies with assurance of quick turn-around for all you washing and ironing responsibilites. We also offer free delivery for all the orders above £25.00.

Westies has achieved a high level of knowledge and experience with a combined a experience for over 30 years now. Our knowledgeable team takes great pride in its customer services as we have been assisting the same clients year after year. We are trusted amongst the oldest community in and around the area!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad